Turbohud diablo 3 season 24
Turbohud diablo 3 season 24

turbohud diablo 3 season 24

C:\D3\D3_ThudLauncher.exe "C:\THUD\THUD.exe" "C:\Program Files\Diablo III\Diablo III.It's a 3rd party overlay to the game that provides a lot of additional information from what your exp/h is, your teammates COE timing, different skill damage calculations etc.Path to the exe should be free from " and path to TurboHUD and Diablo III should be between "

turbohud diablo 3 season 24

Inside the Properties, in the Target box add at the end the full path to TurboHUD and Diablo III Right click on the shortcut and click on Properties You can run the executable using CMD or create a shortcutĬreate a new shortcut pointing to the compiled EXE of this tool

  • The password for that user (by default: diablo).
  • The user name which should run Diablo (by default: diablo).
  • Diablo III complete path (by default: C:\Program File\Diablo III\Diablo III.exe).
  • TurboHUD complete path (by default : D:\THUD\THUD.exe).
  • Execute Diablo's launcher and in the settings make sure the game will be launched in 32 bit (as TurboHUD doesn't support 64 bit, and might never).
  • Open the project in Visual Studio and compile it, or use the compîled version found hereĬreate a new user in Windows that does NOT have admin privileges, and is locked from accessing TurboHUD's folder You must have created a new user and denied its access to your TurboHUD folder (See TurboHUD's forum)
  • Once DIablo III's process is launched, it wait 5 seconds then launch TurboHUD and shuts itself down.
  • Once the app is launched, the tool clicks on Play (Carefull here, you MUST have Diablo III selected in the left pannel by default or else the tool will launch the default game and will hang in a loop).
  • Launch Diablo III's exe which launch (by default).
  • turbohud diablo 3 season 24

    This simple tool starts Diablo III and TurboHUD at once.

    Turbohud diablo 3 season 24